How can I Generate Solar Electricity to Power My Home?

Roof with solar panels

Solar energy has been used for a very long time for uses important to humans, ranging from solar-powered satellites to solar panels to generate electricity at home. You can know more about the History of Solar Energy as well.

Using Solar Energy at home overall seems a very attractive option to go for in almost all cases as the benefits outweigh the cons. I mean, not only will you be saving and protecting the environment, you will also be lowering your electricity bills and could even sell the excess energy back to the grid.

Is Solar The Cheapest Source Of Energy?

If you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint and be more eco-friendly, going solar is the cheapest way to go as suggested by Bloomberg Financial Analysts.

The cost of installing solar panels has fallen to 1/5 of the cost in 2010. Installing solar panels when going solar is also relatively very easy as they are relatively small and can be placed anywhere in your house with adequate sunlight including rooftops, balconies and backyards.

So time for the real question…

Can You Generate Solar Electricity At Home?

The real answer is; yes you can! And quite easily. This is known as micro-generation which refers to small-scale generation of electricity or carbon-free heat energy which is feasibly for an average-sized home.

Now that you know that you can generate electricity at home, the next question becomes how to generate electricity at home.

How Can You Generate Electricity From Solar Energy At Home?

Well this is an easy question too, all you have to do is install a couple of photovoltaic solar panels. Although, going completely off-grid and onto solar could be difficult for some people such as myself. Generation of solar electricity to cover a portion of the electricity needs of your home is quite possible and relatively easy.

The amount of benefit that you get on installing solar entirely depends on the following factors;

You need to consider these before investing into a solar system!

How Much Energy Does A Solar Power System Produce?

Entirely depends upon the weather in your area, whether there is adequate sunlight available in your area. The photovoltaic solar panels utilize the sun’s energy to make electricity for powering your homes. That said, it doesn’t mean at all that the solar panels won’t generate energy when it’s cloudy as the technology depends upon daylight.

How Do I Get the Best Output From My Solar System?

The solar cells exposed to sunlight are made up of layers of semi-conducting material which together make an electric field inside the solar panels. When the sun shines on the panels, it causes the flow of electrons, producing electricity. The stronger the sun shines, higher the amount of electricity produced!

How much power is produced is also related to where the solar panels are placed. Roofs are preferred by people for the maximum production of energy but ensure that there is no shade upon them especially during peak sunlight hours which are 9 A.M to 3 P.M. Another article on peak sun-hours to be up soon!

If your solar panels can be manipulated to face the south, you can lift up the potential of energy production. This is necessary because it is suggested that even if one of the 36 solar cells in a solar panel is shaded, the energy generation could be cut by more than half!

Advances in solar technology have made it possible for you to just replace your roof tiles with solar tiles, which are essentially similar.

Most of the Solar Systems installed are connected to the grid. This makes the electricity produced from the solar system to be directed towards the household electricity distribution system. This makes sure that the electricity demanded from the grid is reduced during the day when the solar system is generating electricity (thereby reducing electricity bills).

The solar systems discussed above are known as on-grid solar systems and account to almost 99% of the solar systems installed today.

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