Reduce Reuse Recycle Recover; the 4Rs of the Waste Hierarchy


"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" by is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

You may have often heard a term called the “Waste Hierarchy”, and you may wonder what does it mean? The waste hierarchy is the order of priority of actions that we need to take to reduce the amount of waste we generate. This will help in improving the overall waste management processes and programs.

We base the waste hierarchy on the 4 R’s:

These three R’s provide us with a guide on how to carry out a sustainable living. You might be wondering how you can use these 4 R’s in your day-to-day lives.

They aren’t that hard to implement, unlike most things in life. All that is needed is a small change in your lifestyle concerning waste to achieve the ultimate goal of reducing the carbon footprint.

Here we will explain the principles behind these 3 R’s and how you can implement this waste hierarchy in your life.

The three R aims to reduce the amount of waste we throw away. This helps in conserving the number of natural resources, reducing landfill space, and the amount of energy we are regularly using.

Furthermore, they also help protect our land and save the money that communities use to dispose of waste in landfills.

Refusing to buy items that you don’t need and reusing more things more often, can help create a healthier planet. And then giving away items that you don’t need to dedicated recycling centers can help reduce waste in landfills.

You can get more information on the applications of 4Rs in our daily lives from Los Angeles County Public Works web portal.


The first step in the waste hierarchy relies on the idea of reducing the quantity of what people produce and consume. Making a new product needs a lot of energy and raw materials, most of which come from natural resources extracted from the earth.

After that, transportation becomes necessary for selling these products. This whole process can create a lot of waste, adding to the planet’s carbon footprint.

That’s where the idea of Reducing comes into play.

The logic to it is straightforward, lessening the use of goods will reduce the production of waste. Furthermore, the fewer the waste products, the less we will have to worry about recycling them.

The process of reducing stuff begins with the evaluation of an item one is using and what is the purpose of use. You can do this in three simple steps:

Some ways to Reduce Waste


Many of us have things lying around, possibly broken or useless at the moment, yet we hold onto them with the hope of finding use in the future.

Reusing relies on using stuff you may already have rather than buying new stuff that once used will also be lying around in your house again. This is highly essential in the waste hierarchy.

Reusing isn’t just based on utilizing stuff that is in your house. You can also buy old furniture, clothing, or other materials used by people previously in yard sales or online.

That can come in handy rather than purchasing a brand new product that will cost you more and won’t be much of use in the future.

A perfect example of this is being implemented in the construction of modular homes and office buildings made out of discarded shipping containers.

These larger metal-sized containers pose a colossal waste problem. People are finally tackling this huge waste problem by repurposing them as homes and offices, saving them from landfills.

You can also reuse items from your house by donating them to others who need them or can’t afford them.

How to Reuse?

Advantages of Reducing and Reusing 


The third stage in the waste hierarchy is recycling. Recycling involves transforming the produced waste into raw materials for repurposing into a new item. Almost all materials on the planet can undergo recycling. You can get more information on why recycling is important here. It is an interesting read.

When it comes to recycling, most of the communities face the issue of how to receive and transform discarded waste into raw materials.

With a lack of facilities for this purpose, we find it hard to recycle. However, more progress is being made towards recycling. The recycling plants are uniting with industries that can help process this waste material for us.

For us to recycle, we must know about what we can recycle and what we can’t. This is the first step in carrying out efficient recycling.

Furthermore, we must ensure the proper disposal of these products. This responsibility extends not only to us but also to other community members. We need to make sure the goods reach recycling centers for processing.

How can you help to recycle?

Benefits of Recycling 


“better compost” by normanack is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

This is an R that was recently added to the hierarchy to further improve the process. Recovering is also a vital stage in the process of minimizing waste. 

The 4Rs are a perfect solution that comes out concerning industry benchmarking or technological breakthroughs in advanced and innovative companies. 

Recovery is the process of value addition to waste. Composting is a prime example of a recovering process through a biological process.

Moreover, the recovery stage only takes place upon completion of the other 3 stages. It will only be possible to recover materials or energy from the waste when all the other stages are done.

Electricity, heat, and fuel are the other examples of recovery from waste through thermal processes.

How does Recovery happen? 

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