10 of the most overpopulated countries in the world! (2019)

This report of ten of the most populated countries in the world in 2019 is according to United States Census bureau as well as the United Nations Department of Economic and Social affairs, Population Division.

At 10th position, there is

Mexico with a population of 132,328,025.

At 9th position is Russia with a population of 143,895,565.

Bangladesh being at 8th with a population of 168,065,920.

Nigeria at 7th with a population of 200,962,424.

Pakistan at 6th with a population of 204,596,455.

Brazil at 5th with a population of 212,392,767.

Indonesia at 4th with a population of 269,536,494.

United States of America at 3rd position with a population of 329,093,110.

India at 2nd position closing in to China with a population of 1,368,737,513.

People’s Republic of China has been at the top for a while now having a huge population of 1,420,062,022.

Matter of the fact is that a country can be populated as much as it likes, but it should have the resources to do so.

Many countries, like the US, are quite populated. But they have resources to sustain so many people. India on the other hand, having limited resources, can not sustain that many people.

Hence, India is also one of the most overpopulated countries in the world. Overpopulation has become one of the major environmental problems faced by the world today.

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