Earthship Designs, Importance, pros and cons + DIY kit.


When you hear someone say that they are living in earthships, or designing earthships, your mind starts having sci-fi thoughts. It feels as if it’s a term out of a sci-fi novel or movie but in fact it isn’t, it’s actually quite real and amazing.

What are Earthships?

Earthships are basically a home design which helps to ensure sustainable living by addressing human needs effectively along with being as minimalist as one can be.

The prime benefit of Earthships in the long run is a reduction of the negative environmental impact caused by humans due to our usual living standards. Earthships are built on the ideology of complete sustainability that attempts to combine every eco-friendly option under one roof.

The cost of Earthships varies if you are building it yourself or hiring someone to build it for you. However, they can cost around 100-250 dollars per square foot depending on the craftsmenship and utilities you put into it.

Today we will look at some of the design principles, how you can make an earthship by yourself, Importance of an Earthship along with its advantages and disadvantages.

Design principles of earthships

Earthships are structures built to function as “off-the-grid homes” that have minimal reliance on fossil fuels and public utilities. They are designed and built in a way as to use naturally renewable resources such as sun and rain water and reduce our dependence on Non-renewable sources as much as possible.

Earthships are based on six basic principles, all having the commonality of taking advantage of existing natural processes.

1. Utilizing natural and repurposed materials

Earthships are designed in such a way as to make maximum use of naturally occurring and repurposed materials. These include tires, bottles, cans, woods, metals and even mud. The mud can be used to form the flooring of the earthship; you may use the tires and plastered mud to form the walls of the interior.

2. Food production

This principle is fairly new to an already developing concept of earthships. It concerns with in-home organic food production.  People living in earthships hire experienced botanists to select plants which can be used for interior grey water botanical cells.

Hydroponic planters are also planted which have excellent yields of herbs, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, kale, and more. This makes people living in the earthships self-sufficient when it comes to growing food without needing to go out and buy food from local markets.

3. Heating and cooling using thermal and solar energy

Earthships have the functionality of being able to heat and cool themselves without requiring any fossil fuels, burning of wood or consumption of electricity from the grid. Earthships harnesses the solar and thermal energy to conveniently maintain temperatures within the earthships without requirement of additional fuel.

4. Solar and wind electricity

Earthships can act as their own self-made power plant equipped with photovoltaic panels, charge controller, batteries, and inverter.

These systems may seem expensive at first glance. However, that is not the case for earthships as they are built in a way to reduce electrical requirements as much as possible. This Is why you will not require a heavy-duty solar system to begin with.

Efficient lighting, pumps and refrigeration along with minimal need of electric air conditioning all help in lowering the electricity requirements. This makes earthships more sustainable as they require 25% less energy than that of a conventional home.

5. Harvesting of water

Earthships collect and store their own water without relying on external sources. The water is collected from rain or melting of snow while storage is carried out in cisterns. Water from cisterns then feed a pump and a filtration system which cleans water. Purified water makes its way to solar water heater and to a pressure tank as well. From there onwards, the water can be used for washing, laundry, and bathing.

6. Self-sufficient sewage treatment

Once the water is used, it becomes grey water and needs to undergo purifying treatment once again. The grey water flows into botanicals cells where the plants use and purify the water as well. Once the water is clean enough, it is collected in a well. The well then pumps water on demand, to the toilet for flushing.

The toilet water goes into a septic tank, which overflows into a botanical cell outside that is filled up with exterior landscaping plants. The water in an earthship can be used up to four times without pulling water from other municipal sources.

Amazing Example of an Earthship

Importance of Earthships

Eco-friendly Solution

Earthships are an environment-friendly solution for housing to combat climate change and global warming. Its design and function makes it very sustainable and eco-friendly to use, allowing us to reduce our environmental impact. In a world with unbelievable pollution, deforestation, altered weather patterns; finding eco-friendly living solutions like earthships is the way to go.

Reduced Impact on Climate Change

The materials used for earthships help to take advantage of natural resources without causing a burden on Earth. This way the natural temperatures of the region are maintained with minimal change. You can choose to adjust and build your earthship according to the climate in your region to reduce impact on natural resources. Designing earthships in such a way helps to minimize climate change and global warming.

Off-the grid!

Earthships allow you to live a sustainable lifestyle off the grid. No need to use local electricity from your regional or municipal authorities as the earthships utilize solar and wind power in order to generate electricity.

Water Conservation

Water is an important necessity required for living in every home and building. Earthship is no different. Earthships don’t use water from nearby water bodies (lakes or rivers) or from underground as well. In fact, it collects water from rain or snow and stores it into a water tank for future use.

Earthship systems allow residents of the earthships to use that water up to four times for purposes such as cleaning, showering, bathing, laundry, washing dishes as well as watering plants. This is achieved by the filtration system allowing us to minimize water from external sources and reusing it multiple times through water treatment.

Self-grown Organic Food

The indoor and outdoor gardens of the earthships provide natural organic food to the people living in them. Any type of fruit or vegetable can be grown in an earthship! This will provide nutritional benefits to you without having to buy food from local stores sourced from farms that use high concentration of fertilizers and other synthetic chemicals harmful to human health.

No Heating or Cooling Required

There is no need to set up an electric insulation or a heating system installed in an earthship as it has the ability to cool and heat itself without using an electrical appliance. This helps in reducing the use of resources which are used to heat up the house, providing more sustainable living without consuming valuable energy resources of the country.

Grey water

The grey water being produced in the earthships can be reused to feed your garden. This prevents us from outright disposal of grey water. If not properly disposed or sent to water treatment facility; grey water can cause pollution of the land and even surrounding water bodies nearby.

Conventional Example of Earthships

Advantages of Earthships

Disadvantages of Earthships

How to design your own earthship?

The follow is a DIY which is help you get started on how to build an earthship. You may require assistance from construction workers as well so don’t hesitate in asking them for some guidance. It’s not necessary to follow this same order when making your earthship.

I accept this is a very rough guide of how it goes building an Earthship of your own. However, you can use this book to build the perfect one for your needs.

And your earthship is completed!

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