7 Most Rewarding Environmental Jobs in the World

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Do you long to do some good for our environment and also earn well at the same time? It does seem to be a great bargain! Well, there are some amazing careers out there for the taking. That is if you have the right education and skills.
This field ranges from organic farms to deep research to marine biology. The aim is always to protect our earth.

What is an Environmental Job?

An environmental job is a part of a Green job. The purpose is to work in sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, administration, research & development, and services. These careers work to sustain and preserve the quality of our environment.

In fact, a career in environment includes the jobs that safeguard ecosystems and biodiversity. Lesser use of energy, raw materials, and reduced water consumption can achieve this.
In order to practice this, there are efficient strategies made so that the goal of the job is fulfilled.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a green job in a business produces goods and services that are beneficial for our environment. Also, it helps in keeping our natural resources intact.

Why Should you get an Environmental Job?

Apart from the fact that environmental jobs have a positive impact on our environment, these jobs also pay well! And, nothing is better than helping and protecting the environment. Plus, there is a lot of environmental education gained.

Moreover, here are some points that can convince you to opt for an environmental job.

  • Experience Nature: By doing an environmental job, you will be closer to nature and will refresh yourself every day you are out to work. Many such positions allow you to travel the world in order to explore new regions and cultures.
  • Make a Difference: When you start a job, you begin to unlock new doors and get the expertise. Likewise, an environmental career gives you a better understanding of the world and all the things that it is comprised of. Positions in this field give you the ability to inspire the upcoming generations. And you can also make them interested in doing something in return for the world.
  • Unlimited Career Options: There are a lot of different career options for you to choose from. If you like a desk job or if you prefer to do field work, there are many available options for you. You may choose the position that suits well with your choice of how you wish to impact the environment.

7 Most Rewarding Environmental Jobs in the World

1. Environmental Engineer

Environmental engineers work to improve public health by managing waste and pollution. They also focus on the policies made to control these environmental issues. Moreover, they tend to carry out routine tests on air quality, water resources, and industrial equipment.

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Furthermore, they have to ensure that certain standards are made, met, and maintained. The essential skills needed for this job include critical thinking, analysis, and communication. As an environmental engineer, you need to have these skills for success in this career path.

To become an environmental engineer, you need to have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in the engineering field with some sort of work experience as well. If you have any additional degree like a master’s degree or any other certifications then you can get a higher level job in this field too.

The higher the level of your job, the more you earn. An environmental engineer’s job pays one the highest salaries in the sector of green jobs.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS), the average median annual salary of this position is $96,820. The expected growth in demand is at 4 percent from 2021 to 2031.

California has the highest number of people employed in this capacity. It also offers better salaries than other states.

2. Conservation Scientist

Conservation scientists play a key role in protecting the environment. Their vital role is to oversee the forests, parks, and other related sources. This is a job for people who enjoy fieldwork as most of the time of a conservation scientist is spent on the field.

They spend their time monitoring and regulating forestry and other conservation measures in the field. They also make sure that businesses and their staff adhere to laws.

A part of their job description is also to make up forest management plans and work towards the prevention and reduction of forest fires. If you wish to become a conservation scientist, you need to be an on-the-go kind of person and have a passion for fieldwork.

Most of the conservation scientists work for the local, state, or federal government. They may work with various private organizations as well. To get a conservation scientist job or any other related job, you must have a bachelor’s degree with a major in biology or any other forestry degree.

The average annual pay of this work is about $61,342 according to the job portal Glassdoor whereas BLS puts it at $63750. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) also estimates that the demand will grow by 5%.

3. Urban Planner

An Urban planner has an important role to play in a community whether it is big or small. What an urban planner does is come up with plans for using land in some sort of way. This includes infrastructures like roads, power lines, and parks.

Urban planners have an essential role in the growth of population and community. Important skills needed for this type of job are effective communication skills.

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Moreover, the work includes listening, understanding, and accommodating people at all levels. As an urban planner, you will engage with local residents as well as companies and relevant government agencies.

However, in environmental careers, this is an ultra-busy job. It keeps the person occupied even after working hours to conduct meetings with neighborhoods and planning commissions. People see urban planning as one of the top green careers that are high in demand and the field is growing rapidly.

For a higher-level role in this career, you must have a master’s degree. A bachelor’s degree will give you an entry-level position in this career.

The Median pay for this position is $79,540 per year, and the work will grow by 4%.

4. Environmental Lawyer

An environmental lawyer is a person whose job is based on environmental rights. These lawyers represent the people, businesses, and the whole of the earth. Although the pay of environmental lawyers is high the position involves lots of responsibilities.

Environmental lawyers counsel their clients and persuade them to bring about a positive change that will positively affect the people, wildlife, and the environment.

Among other duties, their job is to gather evidence that proves a specific damage done to the environment in a particular situation. Although this unsavory task is not so frequent.

Must have skills for an environmental lawyer including research and negotiation techniques. Moreover, excellent communication skills are also vital. You need to study in a law school after your bachelor’s to catch a position as an environmental lawyer after passing the bar exam for the license.

Licensed law students may then start working as an intern first followed by securing a position in a private firm. It takes a lot of time and effort to become an experienced lawyer. Estimated average annual pay is $88208.

5. Zoologist

A person who studies animals in their habitat is a zoologist. A zoologist observes the patterns of wildlife no matter if they are in captivity or out in the wild. They have a whole process of observing the wildlife starting from the diet of the animal to its migration.

It is a completely outdoor on-the-field job for a person who has a passion for nature and the things that come with it. Although zoologists do spend some time in the lab when they need to carry out assessments on specimens and other data.

Patience and love is something very unique that you should have for this job. You will need a bachelor’s degree in zoology to get a job in this field. Moreover, if you wish to work at a well-known place that requires a high level of research, then without doubt a master’s degree is a must!

Furthermore, the salary of a zoologist depends on the level of experience he has, and the quality and extent of his education. The location of the position matters too. Generally, a zoologist earns over $60,000 yearly in the United States.

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Those of you who want to pursue a career in this field should know that this is a very promising field with a lot of growth that is increasing at a good pace.

6. Hydrologist

“Agency Plains Irrigation Improvements for Water Quality” by NRCS Oregon is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Apart from being an eco-friendly job, hydrology is also a high-paying job. As there is an increase in environmental jobs, there is an increase in the demand for hydrologists too. It is a very interesting field as a hydrologist studies the movement of water and the quality of water as a whole. It is said to be one of the greatest water jobs in the world.

Hydrologists carry out routine checkups on water. They also evaluate chemical and temperature changes in water bodies as well as do tests to check for pollutants. They ensure that the waterways are safe and clean.

The roles of a hydrologist include water testing, flow operations, overseeing educational and outreach programs, and analysis of data. This is also one of those jobs in which you have to spend most of the time on the field wading into bodies of water to take samples.

Finally, to become a hydrologist, you need to have at least a bachelor’s degree. And you can have an edge over the others if you have a master’s degree. Higher education can get you a better position, that’s for sure! The median salary of a hydrologist is $85,990 per year.

7. Marine Biologist

People who enjoy public speaking and like to do research analysis should consider having a career in marine biology. A marine biologist must have excellent communication skills as well as be very observant and pay attention to detail.

These biologists work in private and public firms as well as in government agencies. The time they spend on the field is dependent on their job role and the skills they possess. An intermediate-level biologist may work with large quantities of data and come up with new policies and procedures.

Generally, a bachelor’s degree is good enough to get hired into marine biology. It is not necessary to do marine biology as a subject. You can get hired if you have pursued biology, zoology, oceanography, and even hydrology.

Also, if you keep studying and pursue your master’s or a Ph.D., you can go up to higher levels in this field and earn a very handsome amount. This career is increasing in demand as there is a lot of growth. The average pay of a marine biologist is $85,008 per year.


To sum up, a career in the field of environment pays well and enables you to help in taking care of our planet. There are many more fulfilling opportunities to avail in addition to those listed above such as wind farm site manager. Your career could help in creating conditions for our prosperous future. So, good luck, and wish you all the best for what lies ahead.

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