10 Health Benefits of Beetroot Juice; Added Recipes!

Beet Juice Benefits

Everyone can fall in love with the bright and beautiful colors of a beetroot. Did you know that beetroot colors your tongue red when you drink it?

Beetroot has gained a lot of popularity lately. Beetroot is very rich in Vitamin C, low in fat, has powerful antioxidants and absorbs iron.

Most people cook beetroot. That is not very beneficial as it destroys most of the nutrients. So, it is best to eat them raw.

For consumption, beetroot can be extracted as juice or can be added in salads. The juice of beetroot gives you all the minerals and vitamin that your body requires. The pulp contains the fiber and since beetroot has oxalic acid, it can be mixed with other vegetables and fruits. 

For people who suffer from iron-deficiency anemia (deficiency), a combination of amla and carrots along with beet juice is very healthy for them.

Oranges, pineapples and few other fruits add a nice tang to the sweet flavor of beet juice. In order to reap all of its benefits, it is preferred that a person should drink at least 200 ml glass of beetroot.

10 Health Benefits of Beetroot juice

1. Manages Blood Pressure

The top-most benefit of beet juice is that it helps in lowering your blood pressure. This is possible due to the nitrates in beets. These nitrates increase the nitric oxide found in blood vessels.

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Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels; allowing more oxygen to flow to your brain, muscles and heart.

2. Gives your skin a glow

If your body is healthy from the inside, it even reflects on the outside. The juice of beetroot helps to make your blood pure, this is why it helps to make your skin glow and healthy.

As beetroot has vitamin C, it helps in clearing blemishes and your skin tone. This brings out a natural glow on your face.

3. Great way to detox naturally

Beetroot is a type of phyto-nutrient and contains a unique source of battalions. Such components create powerful antioxidant, detoxification and anti-inflammatory properties.

For many years, beet juice has been popularly considered as a liver-protective food. It cleans the liver and flushes out all the toxins.

4. Boosts stamina and energy

As we discussed earlier, beet juice helps with opening blood vessels and increasing the flow of oxygen throughout the body. This promotes aerobic metabolism in your body and makes you feel more energetic and active.

Most people consider beetroot juice as a great pre-workout drink. This is because nitrogen oxide helps the muscles get more oxygen flow and makes them ready for the stress ahead.

5. Improve muscle power

Having beet juice before exercise helps with improving the performance while exercising and it also increases the muscle power naturally.

6. Good for digestion

The pulp in the beet juice helps to improve your digestive system. It also helps you to be relieved from constipation. A regular glass of beetroot juice will also help you get rid of an upset stomach.

7. Lowers blood glucose

Even though beetroot is high in sugar, it can actually help maintain your blood sugar levels. Due to slow release of sugar in your blood, it prevents sudden spikes in your sugar levels. This allows insulin in your body to be able to control your sugars more sufficiently.

8. Slows the progression of dementia

For people who face dementia, beetroot juice is very beneficial. Beetroot juice helps to slow down the cognitive decline and increases blood flow in the brain. The results for consuming beetroot juice by dementia and Alzheimer’s patients seem quite promising.

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9. Helps to maintain weight

Beetroot juice has low calories, which is why it really has no fat in it. Due to this the weight conscious people do not hesitate in having beet juice.

In fact, beetroot juice is usually part of everyday diet of people on a health kick.

10. Supports your liver

If your liver aces any of the following problems, that means you have a nonalcoholic fatty liver disease:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Exposure to toxic substance
  • A poor diet

The beetroot juice contains betaine that helps with reducing fatty liver. It also helps to protect your liver from various toxins.

Ways to Make Beetroot Juice at Home

Most of the people make beet juice for weight loss. As we discussed the benefits of beet juice earlier, we now know many more benefits that beetroot juice holds for us.

Since beetroot contains fiber, it also keeps our stomachs full for longer periods of time. So if you were to drink it before school or work, you won’t feel hungry throughout the day!

There are many combinations of making beetroot juice the most beneficial for us.

Beetroot juice and Carrot juice

Carrots have insoluble and soluble fiber in them. This makes us feel full and prevents us from eating any unhealthy junk food.

Adding carrots to beetroot juice will make your weight loss plan very effective.


  • Mint leaves
  • Salt
  • 5 tbsp. of lemon juice
  • Half glass of water
  • 2 cups of chopped carrots
  • 2 cups of chopped beetroot


At first add mint leaves, carrots and beetroot into the blender and make sure all these ingredients are blended well. Blend for 3 minutes.

Now add salt, lemon juice and water into the blend and stir it very well again. This way, all the ingredients are mixed well.

After mixing and blending to uniform consistency, pour it in into a glass.

Apple Juice and beetroot juice

Remember the phrase ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’? Why not add that healthy fruit to beetroot juice and make it super-healthy!

Apple is one of the best fruits to have. They contain less than 60 calories per 100 grams and are best to have as a snack. They are also believed to have negative calories. This means that it is very low on calories and is very nutritious.

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  • Pinch of Cinnamon powder
  • Pinch of Salt and black pepper
  • 1 cup of sliced apple
  • 2 cups of sliced beetroot


You need to use a juicer to juice apples and beetroots. When you get those separate juice cups, you need to add them to the blender.

You have to blend beetroot juice and apple juice together.

Then add salt and black pepper with cinnamon to the blend and stir it well. Pour it into the glass.

Pomegranate and beetroot juice

Pomegranate has its own health benefits. It is widely known to boost the digestive system and has many vitamins in it. They help a lot in burning fat and boosting metabolism. 

Beetroot mixed with pomegranate would be the best combination for a healthy diet.


  • 3 tbsp. lime juice
  • Black salt
  • 1 glass of pomegranate seeds
  • 2 cups of diced beetroot


Add pomegranate seeds and beetroot in the blender and let them spin. While spinning, add black salt and lime juice. Once that is done, pour the mix into the glass.

Tomato Juice with beetroot juice

Similar to apples, tomatoes also have low calories and have very high water content in them. While adding tomatoes with beetroot, it will give you a tangy taste but a very beneficial blend.


  • Salt
  • Mint leaves
  • 3 tbsp. lime juice
  • 1 ½ cups of sliced tomato
  • 2 cups of diced beetroot


Blend mint leaves, beetroot and tomato slices together in a blender and add lime juice salt. After adding salt, stir it well and pour it into the glass.

Beetroot is one of the healthiest foods to have. Drinking beetroot juice regularly will keep you healthy in long term.

Critical review of Beetroot juice in 2020

Many new studies suggest us the benefits of beetroot juice and scientists encourage us to consume beetroot juice on a regular basis.

Most of the benefits are of weight loss or sports-related. The high rate of nitrate in beetroot juice has beneficial effects on blood flow, heart rate, blood pressure and performance.

On the other hand, the high consumption of nitrate also increases risk of different types of cancer. Be that as it may, there isn’t enough research to back up this claim. Or shall we say myth?

More research is required to make a reliable assessment of any harmful effects of consuming excess beetroot juice. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing that soon.

1 comment
  1. erotik izle says:

    I really enjoyed the article. Really thank you! Cool.

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