21 Types of Purple Flowers That Are Found Everywhere in the World!

Purple flowers found around the world!

Purple is a colour that is powerful in the sense that it brings out the creative side in people. Some people find the shades of purple royal and majestic. 

As every coloured flower symbolises something, purple flowers also have symbolism. Like a red flower is a symbol of love, purple flower is a symbol of elegance and nobility. 

Some people also believe that purple blooms bring you success and dignity. 

People who love plants and have a garden at their house definitely add purple flowers to their collection. Purple flowers are known soothing and relaxing flowers. 

They calm our mood and are a pleasant sight for the eyes. They also combine to make beautiful floral bouquets! 

Here is a collection of some of the purple flowers that exist in the world. 

1. Allium

Alliums are flowers that live longer than two years and they multiply naturally. This plant includes many species such as the cultivated garlic, onion, shallot, and chives. 

Allium is latin for garlic. These flowers are loved by pollinating insects. 

More colours that alliums can be found in are white, blue, and even yellow. These flowers are easy to grow and look very elegant in your garden. 

2. Alpine Betony 

Another easy to grow perennial flower is Alpine Betony. This is a flower that has no other colour than purple. 

We can observe this flower in summer until fall. They like to be planted in the full sun with well-drained and moist soil. 

These are great for your single planters alongside your balconies or even on the walkway of your garage. 

The Alpine Betony is a deer resistant flower and looks extravagant when placed somewhere for decor purposes. 

3. Anemone 

The second name for an anemone flower is a windflower. They can also easily be grown anywhere and they also multiply naturally. 

Anemones have more than 63 species which are spread worldwide. They all differ in strength, growth requirements, and blooming. 

Some of the species enjoy the full sun and some like to stay indoors in shaded areas. 

The other colours which they grow apart from purple are white, yellow, blue, red, and burgundy. 

4. Balloon Flower 

Balloon flowers are the flowers who love the full sun and also enjoy partial shade. These are also perennials who live for a long time when treated properly. 

They like to be planted in a well-drained, partial acidic soil. They are strong flowers that can survive in a dry weather but would do best in moisture. 

We can find these flowers beautifully bloomed in the summer. These are deer and disease resistant flowers. 

Other colours in which you can find this flower are white, blue, and pink. Balloon flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. 

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Moreover, they spread and seed themselves, hence, they are great for containers and rock gardens. 

5. Butterfly Bush 

Why butterfly bush you may ask?

Well simply put ….. it provides food to the butterflies!

Though it attracts many, the flower is only good for the nectar. Butterflies can’t lay their eggs here as caterpillars feed on them.

They will need host plants to lay their eggs and make their habitats.

Therefore, always plant other shrubs around to support the butterflies native to your area. 

The butterfly bush only needs a little water per week to grow. What they do need is a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight to grow properly. 

Because they need so much sunlight, they are not grown in the winter. They are set to grow roots in spring season and then bloom beautifully all through summer to autumn. 

 6. Candytuft 

A candytuft is a flower that is native to Europe. It blooms in a pretty light purple colour, apart from that it also blooms in white and pink colours. 

This flower also likes to grow in direct sunlight with a well-drained soil. These flowers can be seen blooming in spring and throughout the summer as well. Sometimes they re-bloom in the winter too.

Candytufts look pretty in containers put along the borders and in rock gardens too.

Furthermore, candytufts have a condition that once the soil has been warmed up to a 70 degree Fahrenheit, then you should plant its seeds for growth. 

7. Catmint 

Catmints are purple perennials that are often mistaken for lavender. They are heat tolerant, and also resistant to pests and diseases. They can also survive droughts and deers. 

Catmints prefer the full sun but can also like partial shade. Moreover, catmints also enjoy a well-drained soil that is not overly fertilised. There are plants who need a lot of water to grow actively. 

8. Columbine 

A columbine is a flower that is widely seen in woodlands, meadows, and other high altitude areas. The flowers attract hummingbirds and are easy to plant. 

Columbine is one of those plants who do not need well-drained soil to grow, they can adapt to any soil but not too dry. 

The plant does need sun to grow well but when it is too hot in the summer, it does not survive. It is also one of those plants who multiply naturally when established completely. 

9. Dwarf Iris

One of the shortest purple flower plants are the Dwarf Iris plants. There height goes up to 6 inches only. They are one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. 

Apart from purple, they can also be found in shades of blue and yellow. The plus point about this flower is that it smells heavenly. And because of that, if it widely used in the making of fragrances. 

A dwarf iris is an easy-to-grow plant and it multiplies naturally as well. 

If you wish to plant a dwarf iris you can do so by planting the bulbs in the winter. You should select an area that gets sunlight easily and the soil drainage is good. 

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Moreover, a dwarf iris plant in your garden will look delightful; you can also grow them in containers. 

10. Fuchsia 

Fuchsia is also a purple perennial plant, more like a shrub. They are one of those who need a boost of sunlight in the morning and they are good to go for the day.

They are plants that eat a bit too much and need a good amount of fertiliser to grow properly. 

When watering them, make sure that you do not give them too much water. They enjoy when their roots are moist and not soaked in water. Water is only needed to be given when the surface becomes dry. 

They do not have a set bloom time. According to their type and the climate they grow in, the bloom time is derived. 

11. Gladiolus 

Gladiolus is a flower that is seen in almost all colours except blue. A gladiolus plant needs an adequate amount of loam and sandy soil to grow in. It also enjoys growing in a full sun. 

The soil in which vegetables are grown is best suited for a gladiolus plant. 

It is preferable to put compost in the planting beds of the gladiolus plant in spring so that they bloom healthily all summer. 

12. Hibiscus 

When living in a hot climate region, the hibiscus flower plant likes to grow in a partially shaded area than in full sun. This is also one of those plants who enjoy a well-drained, moist soil. 

You will be shocked to know that there are about 679 known species of hibiscus. Some are hardy, some are tropical, some are smaller trees, and some are large shrubs. 

Hibiscus flower is known as a great source of vitamin C. The hibiscus tea is famous globally. 

13. Lavender 

Lavender has to be my favourite flower in the world! I love its scent which is so soothing that it takes away all my worries. 

Talking about the scent, its scent is so powerful that it makes the flies, fleas, mosquitos, rabbits, and even deers stay away.

A lavender plant also needs a well-drained soil under a full sun to grow well. They might need a partial shade when the weather is extremely hot. 

This flower is often used by companies in the making of stress-relief medicines. 

14. Morning Glory 

A morning glory is a flower that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. As beautiful as they are, they are quite dangerous to us because these are poisonous flowers. These should not be planted in your gardens or else someone will get seriously ill. 

These flowers need a lot of direct sunlight to actively bloom. They require their seeds to be planted in a moderately fertile soil. 

15. Parrot Flower 

Parrot flowers are said to be endangered species. They are not allowed to be taken away from their native soil in Thailand. 

These are the prettiest looking flowers that look like a flying parrot with a white streak and a yellow spot along with the shades of purple. 

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There is very less information about this plant which is why planting them is a difficult task for the gardeners. 

A point to ponder about the parrot flower is that they only bloom for three weeks and then become dormant. 

16. Periwinkle 

A periwinkle is also one of those flowers which are highly poisonous. Despite of that, they are widely used by the pharmaceutical companies in the making of medicines. 

It is a herb that soothes the canker sores through a mouth rinse. They are highly known for reducing inflammation.

Periwinkles also need a full sun to grow well but do not mind a partial shade when the climate is too hot. Their soil should also be moist and not at all dry. 

The flowers of a periwinkle plant grow from April to May and stay blooming throughout the summer.  

17. Sea Holly 

A sea holly plant likes to grow in a well-drained soil under a full sun. This plant is a low-maintenance plant but it does not like transplantation. 

Due to the fact that they have long taproots, they are drought resistant. Sea hollies do not spread easily which is why they are not counted as invasive species. 

18. Tulip 

Tulips are by far the most famous purple flowers in the world. According to some researches, tulips are a symbol of royalty. 

They are the perennial bulbs that can be found literally everywhere on earth. The tulips plants do not need much water, just an adequate amount of soil is good for them. 

Tulips are said to bloom from March to the mid of June. Some of the famous tulips flowers are Queen of the Night, Purple Lady, and Flaming Flag. 

19. Violets 

Violets are the flowers that have about 600 species world-wide. They look really cute in containers alongside the borders. 

A violet plant needs direct sunlight to grow in a moderately moist soil. These bloom all the way through winter and spring to summer. 

Many of the violet species prefer a normal climate with temperature between 65-75 degree Fahrenheit. 

20. Wax Flower 

Wax flowers are edible flowers but they are bitter in taste. These are also said to be perfect bouquet flowers because these stay blooming for up to 3 weeks after been cut. 

The flowering shrubs of wax flowers bloom in late winter to early spring. They are also one of the low-maintenance flowers that only need a little light to grow. 

Additionally, they also do not need a lot of food, moisture, and require least pest and disease control. 

21. Zinnia 

Zinnia flower is a part of the daisy family. There are more than 20 species of wild zinnia spread globally. 

Zinnias need to be fertilised everyday or else the colour and bloom, both will fade. These flowers grow very quickly like within two-three days of being cut. New stems and flower buds are seen in as less as two days. Eventually, the petals grow out soon! 

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